The CHS Booster Club meets at 6 P.M. on the second Wednesday of each month in the board room of the Greene Realty group. Dues are $20 a year. The CHS Booster Club supports all WIAA activities, including sports, music, debate, and drama. The Boosters main fundraiser is an Gala Event held in March at SPSCC. They are working to raise over $100,000 that will go to support student activities. For more information contact Booster President Steve Taylor at 239-5122, or email Steve at [email protected] or [email protected]. Come be a Booster! Booster Club Web Site GO COUGS!!!
The mission of the CHS Scholarship Foundation is to provide money for Capital High graduates to continue their education. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of need, academics and activities. The Foundation makes thousands of dollars available to seniors each spring. The Foundation happily accepts (tax deductible) donations. The Foundation also has endowment and custodial accounts that fund scholarships. Lastly, we ers that are placed outside the entrance of the Commons. The CHSF is currently meeting via Zoom during Covid-19. We will be resuming our monthly meetings (Dates to be determined) in the CHS counseling center conference room. For further information, or if you would like to be involved with the Foundation, please contact Linda Hodge at 360-870-5669 or email at [email protected] or [email protected]
See CHS Scholarship Foundation Page link to the bottom or left of this page
See Parent Organization link to the bottom or left of this page