Images & Copyright

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The following resources are free to use under Copyright Law. You may use, re-mix, edit the clips and images found on these sites. It is always good to give credit to the original creator in your own work.

PublicDomain   CC    flickr

 YouTube  Google Advanced Search

Image Copyright - so you can do it right!

If you take an image from the Internet, you need to give full credit where credit is due. The images came from somewhere. And that somewhere isn’t Google.

When you find an image on a search engine's results page, you need to click on the image.  Then you will get a link or web address in blue next to the original source.

Click on the link to OPEN IT.

You need all of the following information from the webpage the image is located on (or as much as you can see) for your MLA style citation through Noodletools:

  • Image creator’s first and last name

  • Title of the image

  • Title of the web page

  • Publishing company

  • Date of publication

  • Date of download

  • Web address/URL

And it will look like this when you print it with Noodletools:

Creator's last name, Creator's first name.  "Title of Image."  Title of Web Page.  Publishing Company. Date of Publication. Date of Download.

AND: You need to copy/paste the web address/URL beneath the image itself.

You can shorten crazy, long URLs at:



BUT REMEMBER: If you put an image on a website (that can be viewed by anyone, anywhere), you need to get permission from the real person, the copyright holder, before using that image on a website.  A simple but formal email is all you need to write.