2023 CHS Boys’ Golf
Relentless Pursuit of the Present
Coach: Steve Hamilton
Email: [email protected]
Coach Objectives:
Instill a life-long love for the Game of golf
Help each player maximize their potential.
Foster a team environment where we support each other and celebrate individual and team achievements, big and small.
Academic Expectations:
Academics are the top priority for each athlete. You must maintain your grade eligibility. The school conducts periodic grade checks. I will be notified by the school of anyone that is ineligible to participate due to academic issues.
Practice Expectations:
I expect all members of the team to be at practice every day--rain or shine. I will keep attendance. Daily practices will be held at Olympia Country and Golf Club and will start at 4:00 PM. Practice should be done between 6:00-6:30 PM. There may be times where practice runs longer if we are having qualifying rounds for tournament play or if the boys are playing more than 9 holes. We will be picking the range to help out the club—this is considered part of practice—I expect you to be there.
Practice sessions will include a variety of drills and on-course instruction:
Please coordinate with the coach directly (call or text) if you can’t make a practice—don’t have your teammate tell me. If you are not at school because of illness, you cannot participate in practice or a match that day. These absences will be considered excused.
Unexcused absences will not be tolerated. Students must be willing to commit to practice to be considered for the golf team. Practice attendance will be a factor in determining teams and playing time. Three unexcused absences from practice will result in a discussion with the coach as to whether the student really wants to participate on the team.
Practice is the time to work on your game, bond with teammates, and enjoy being at the course. I expect you to do your best each day—whatever that is for that day. I don’t want to see cellphones on the course or practice range unless you’re calling someone for an emergency or for a ride home. If I think cellphones are too prevalent during practice, I will collect them each day before we start.
If parents need to get a hold of a student during practice, call the pro shop at the Olympia Country and Golf Club: 360-915-8737. Students can ride Route 32 to get to the OCGC.
Tournament Expectations:
All golfers will wear the team shirt/pullover/jacket and slacks/shorts/skorts. No jeans will be permitted for tournaments. In cold/wet weather, wind/rain pants may be worn. All clothing must meet the school/golf course dress code.
Golfers will be expected to have plenty of golf balls, tees, and a ball marker/coin for tournament play. Be prepared for changing weather. Also include in your bag: rain gear, umbrella, sunscreen, lip balm, glove, Band-Aids, water bottle, rule book, snacks and divot repair tool.
All golfers will provide their own transportation to home matches. All golfers will ride to away tournaments with the team from school at the time prescribed.
All players will be expected to remain at the tournament site until all of their teammates have finished and scores are posted. Students may leave with parents after being signed out.
Each golfer will play with honor and integrity. All players will abide by the USGA Rules of Golf. Cheating will not be tolerated.
Please communicate with me directly if you are going to miss practice, be late to practice, or have a team issue. I will communicate with the players and parents using a variety of methods (i.e. text, email, and phone). I will send a weekly email highlighting the week and alerting parents of schedule changes or other important team information.
Parental Involvement:
Parents are encouraged to take an active part in their child’s golf career. Since golf is ultimately an individual sport, outside support is critical. Your student’s development will ultimately be his/her responsibility. Improvement is directly correlated with the amount of practice time involved. Anything you can provide, from lessons and equipment to emotional support and gentle nudges to practice will help your child become a better golfer.
If you are interested in volunteering to assist at practices, please let me know.
During a tournament parents should consider themselves spectators and fans.
Here are some things spectators are NOT allowed to do (USGA Rule 8):
Take and/or give any equipment from any golfer at any time
Give any advice to players (how to play a hole, what club to hit, etc.)
Make any rulings or give advice on a rule
Assist in players keeping score (players are responsible for keeping their own scores)
Give food or drink to any player
Never touch a player’s ball while it is in play
Here are some things parents are allowed to do:
Golf Etiquette:
For the game to be enjoyed, each player participates in accordance with a code of decent and friendly conduct, which includes safe and fast play, proper care of the golf course, and basic courtesy. Use this summary as a guideline:
Care of the course:
Rake all bunkers. Replace all divots.
On greens, repair all ball marks. Be careful walking on the greens, especially near the hole.
Leave the course, particularly the greens and bunkers, in the condition you would like to find them.
Be careful when you swing a club, whether in practice or in play.
Always be aware of those around you.
Don’t play until the group in front of you is out of the way.
Do not play during a thunderstorm.
Don’t move, talk, or stand close to or directly behind a player making a stroke.
Play without delay. Slow play is a huge aggravation. Leave the putting green as soon as all players in your group have holed out. Write scores on the next tee box.
Invite faster groups to play through.
Don’t step on the line of another player’s putt.
Replace the flagstick carefully in an upright position.
Never place your bag on the putting surface.
We are fortunate to be able to practice and play tournaments at the Olympia Country and Golf Club. Please be respectful and adhere to the course dress code—wear appropriate golfing clothes at all times. When jeans are allowed (usually until April 1), they should not have holes/tears in them. I’d suggest wearing rain pants during the wet months.
Fair or not, please keep in mind you are under a microscope at the club. Some members will blame youth golfers for every divot, ball mark, unraked bunker, etc. they see on the course. Do your best to take care of the course and be respectful at all times.
CHS Boys Golf Team Expectations
- I will be responsible for my actions. I will adhere to the OSD Athletic Code and maintain my academic eligibility.
- I will play by the rules of golf, be honest and never cheat.
- I will respect my teammates, my coach, my opponents, and the golf course.
- I will never give up and I will compete on every shot. Maximum effort at all times is expected.
- I commit to work as hard as I can to become the best golfer possible.
- I will come to practice and tournaments prepared to play golf. This includes adhering to the dress codes at the golf course, having all of my equipment, and wearing appropriate clothing to play in adverse weather conditions.
- I will represent CHS and myself with class at practice, in tournaments, and wherever I go. I am a representative of CHS, my team, my family, and ultimately myself.
- I will strive to be a leader in the classroom and at school, through my behavior and class work. Behavior and conduct are more important than ability.