Volunteer & Community Services Opportunities

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Volunteers are priceless

Community Service is not a graduation requirement of the Olympia School District. However, there are individual classes/clubs that do require community service hours (i.e. Honor Society, Key Club, etc.). If students are involved with any of these they should check with the Advisor regarding the required number of hours.

Community Service can have a lot of positive effects on students, such as helping to develop skills, making contacts, and improving the quality of life of others. Community Service can also be helpful in paying for college. Several scholarships are based on community service hours rather than need-based or merit-based. Colleges like seeing that students have done community service. They see them as being the type of student who will be actively involved in making the college community a better place to be.

Students can track their community service hours a variety of ways. One example is to track the hours on a simple Google spreadsheet. Pick up a 
Community Service Record form in the Career Center.

Volunteer hours can be collected year round. The following links are some great volunteer opportunities.

Remember, volunteering not only benefits your community, but it's good for your health too!


Local Volunteer Opportunities


If you don't find what you're looking for, feel free to check the Career Center for more opportunities!