School Year Identification Timeline
2024-2025 School Year Identification Timeline
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Highly Capable Identification Timeline
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Visit the Highly Capable Referral Forms page
Grades K-1: Referral Only
All students referred will:
Take the CoGAT Screening cognitive assessment with guardian permission
Take the MAP for Reading and Math
Have teacher completion of CLED Scale (Culturally Linguistically Economically Diverse Scale)
May submit additional scores and information for review by emailing [email protected]
Any historical assessment scores loaded in Skyward will also be considered
Grades 2 & 5: Referral
Take the CoGAT Screening cognitive assessment with guardian permission
Have teacher completion of CLED Scale (Culturally Linguistically Economically Diverse Scale)
May submit additional scores and information for review by emailing [email protected]
Any historical assessment scores loaded in Skyward will also be considered
Grades 2 & 5: Universal Screening
Students scoring in the top 10% of OSD’s local MAP norms will:
Participate in the CoGAT Screener with guardian permission
Have the opportunity for teacher input
Any historical assessment scores loaded in Skyward will also be considered
Grades 3, 4, 6-12: Referral Only
All Students referred will:
- Take the CoGAT Screening cognitive assessment with guardian permission
- Have the opportunity for teacher input
- May submit additional scores and information for review by emailing [email protected]
- Any historical assessment scores loaded in Skyward will also be considered
Have you used our FAQ link?
New Families
If the student was identified as highly capable in their previous school district, please see specific information under “Highly Capable Transfer Students” in the links on the left side of this webpage.
OSD Highly Capable Definition (WAC 392-170-035)
Highly capable students are students who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experiences, or environments. Outstanding abilities are seen within student’s general intellectual aptitudes, specific academic abilities, and/or creative productivities within a specific domain.
Critical and Creative Thinking Strategies
One of the focuses of the program is to expand student learning through the development of critical and creative thinking strategies which enable students to make real-world connections as they become independent, lifelong learners. These strategies incorporate 21st Century thinking skills which will help students recognize their growth mindset.
Visualization is a sensory strategy used to make connections to what students read and hear as well as to develop outlines, planning and goal-setting.
Plus, Minus, Interesting provides students the opportunity to comprehend the positive and negative aspects of what they think and experience. Students are progressing their independent thinking which leads to considering numerous possibilities and insights for more informed decision-making.
Encapsulation has students learn to synthesize information concisely.
Questioning is encouraged to assist in problem solving.
Point of View helps to establish an understanding of recognizing differing viewpoints which enables students to draw a more developed opinion of open-mindedness and potential collaboration.
Decisions and Outcomes allow students to gain an understanding of cause and effect relationships and how to deal with consequences of varying degrees.
Analogies help students make comparisons, relationships and connections.
Mind Mapping is the creation of a visual used to collect and recall information and expand creativity while connecting ideas.
Fluency, Originality, Flexibility, & Elaboration - students generate ideas and maintain open-minded thinking to further brainstorming and consider alternatives.
Need additional information? Contact the OSD Highly Capable Program Coordinator: [email protected].