House Bill No.
Senate Bill No.
Current Status
What it Does
Potential New Revenue (Unknown New Expenditures)
State allocations for school staff
Shavers, Reed, Wylie, Pollet, Kloba, Reeves
Increase classified salary allocation to $67,325 in 2025-26, $73,384 in 2026-27, $79,988 in 2027-28. Establishes a classified admin salary allocation in 2027-28 of $99,164. Identifies the positions considered classified admin.
Making 2025-2027 fiscal biennium operating appropriations.
Ormsby, Gregerson, Macri
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Concerning school district elections.
Krishnadasan, Wellman, Orwall, Riccelli, Chapman, Hasegawa, Frame, Hansen, Liias, Saldaña, Cortes, Dhingra, Lovelett, Nobles, Shewmake, Slatter, Stanford, Valdez, Wilson, C.
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Providing adequate and predictable student transportation.
Wellman, Dhingra, Conway, Shewmake, Bateman, Salomon, Riccelli, Hasegawa, Saldaña, Cortes, Frame, Krishnadasan, Nobles, Valdez, Wilson, C.
Establishes a flat rate allocation for transporting students requiring special transportation as a result of them experiencing homlessness. Set at $400. Directs OSPI to study pupil transportation cost drivers.
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Allowing school districts to request extensions to state energy performance standard deadlines for K-12 school buildings. |
SEL/K-12 |
Wellman, Conway, Shewmake, Bateman, Riccelli, Hasegawa, Saldaña, Lovick, Krishnadasan, Nobles, Salomon, Wilson, C. |
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Concerning school district materials, supplies, and operating costs.
Nobles, Wellman, Chapman, Cortes, Dhingra, Hasegawa, Krishnadasan, Pedersen, Slatter, Stanford, Trudeau, Wilson, C.
Increases general ed MSOC by $155 above maintenance level and HS by $20 above ML. Sets MSOC as one amount per student rather than 9 distinct and transparent categories. Requires districts to report spending based on these 9 categories. Allocates MSOC on a fiscal year basis rather than a school year basis. Allocates based on a three-year average student FTE rather than the current year. Defines an inflationary measure as IPD for the previous calendar year.
Extending special education services to students with disabilities until the end of the school year in which the student turns 22.
Pollet, Couture, Taylor, Callan, Simmons, Penner, Wylie, Kloba, Timmons, Bergquist, Salahuddin
Requires school districts to provide an appropriate education to students with disabilities from age 3 to the end of the school year in which the student turns 22.
Indeterminate. The district special education enrollment percentage currently exceeds the funded cap.
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Funded Special Education enrollment.
Couture, Pollet, Leavitt, Schmidt, Nance, Kloba, Simmons
Increases Special Ed Cap to 16.5% in 2025-26, 17% in 2026-27 & 2027-28, and eliminates the cap in 2028-29. Requires OSPI to determine if school districts are over identifying students as eligible for special education. Establishes a corrective action plan, and the SAO to audit for compliance with that plan.
Concerning special education funding.
Pedersen, Braun, Bateman, Chapman, Conway, Dhingra, Frame, Krishnadasan, Liias, Nobles, Orwall, Salomon, Shewmake, Stanford, Valdez, Wilson, C.
Remove the cap of 16% for special education funding ($380,000). Remove the tier multiplier system and increase the overall multiplier to 1.5289 (current multipliers are 1.12 and 1.06) ($6.9 million). Increase multiplier for 3 to 5-year-olds from 1.2 to 1.6381 ($620,000). Allows costs to qualify for a safety net if they exceed the state-wide average per pupil expenditures by 1.5 times (currently 2.2) (indeterminate).
Career and Technical Education in sixth-grade.
Shavers, Leavitt, Salahuddin, Bergquist, Reed, Paul, Pollet, Simmons, Hill
Expands CTE funding to 6th grade when 6th grade is offered in middle school.
$30,000 to $45,000
Concerning special education funding.
Wellman, Bateman, Cortes, Frame, Krishnadasan, Liias, Nobles, Slatter, Stanford, Trudeau, Valdez, Wilson, C.
Removes the cap of 16% for special education funding ($380,000). Increase the tier 1 multiplier to 1.5289 and the tier 2 multiplier to 1.447(current multipliers are 1.12 and 1.06) ($6.18 million). Increases multiplier for 3 to 5 year olds from 1.2 to 1.6381 ($620,000). Allows an OSPI carve out of .005 for statewide special education activities (-$128,000). Allows costs to qualify for a safety net if they exceed the state-wide average per pupil expenditures by 1.5 times (currently 2.2) and allows for quarterly safety net payments under certain conditions (indeterminate).
Consolidating the public employees' benefits board and the school employees' benefits board.
Lekanoff, Macri, Nance
Consolidates SEBB and PEBB.
School operating costs.
Berg, Bergquist, Ramel, Stonier, Santos, Tharinger, Taylor, Alvarado, Wylie, Berry, Nance, Ryu, Donaghy, Street, Goodman, Doglio, Mena, Kloba, Pollet, Paul, Walen, Shavers, Duerr, Davis, Salahuddin, Macri, Reed, Callan, Fosse
Increases general ed MSOC by $311 above maintenance level and HS $42 above ML. CTE MSOC remains at maintenance level. Skills Center MSOC is increased $361. Defines an inflationary measure as IPD for the previous calendar year. Establishes rebasing every four years.
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Enhancing youth mental health and well-being through advanced training and expansion of the workforce in schools.
Orwall, Hasegawa, Krishnadasan, Liias, Nobles, Valdez, Wilson, C.
Defines social worker job. Increases social worker allocation by .06 in the prototypical model for elementary, middle, and high, including the allocation in the compliance calculation. Allows social worker associates to be placed in schools and to coordinate supervision with local mental health agencies.
Concerning K-12 funding.
Bergquist, Berg, Ramel, Ormsby, Gregerson, Macri, Obras, Ryu, Berry, Scott, Ortiz-Self, Alvarado, Nance, Pollet, Salahuddin, Hill
LEVY: $2.4 million in 2025-26 and $5.2 million in 2026-27.
Adds a per pupil enhancement between 2026 to 2030. Unifies the split per pupil limit in 2031 (taxes collected in 2032)-- no more special limit for districts over 40,000 students. Provides LEA for charter schools. Enhances LEA limits as well.
STATE PROPERTY TAX: Allows for the state property tax to increase by population change and inflation not to exceed 103%. (currently 101%).
SPECIAL EDUCATION: Remove the cap of 16% for special education funding ($380,000). Requires 30% of general apportionment for students with special education services to be shifted to the special education program, currently about 26% for OSD (indeterminate).
Requires a study
SUBSTITUTES ($140,000)
2027-28: Funds 5 days per classroom teacher at $200 per day adjusted for inflation (currently 4 days x classroom teachers x $151.86). Adds classified formula: Funds 2 days per school level classified staff at $150 per day adjusted for inflation.
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Special Education funding and support for inclusionary practices.
Stonier, Santos, Obras, Timmons, Scott, Ortiz-Self, Nance, Fosse, Salahuddin, Wylie, Macri, Hill
Increase the tier 1 multiplier to 1.18 and tier 2 multiplier to 1.09(current multipliers are 1.12 and 1.06) ($725,000). Establishes an inclusionary practices grant program.
Increasing student access to free meals served at public schools.
Berg, Rude, Leavitt, Stonier, Simmons, Davis, Berry, Mena, Stearns, Thai, Walen, Rule, Ryu, Parshley, Peterson, Reed, Paul, Gregerson, Alvarado, Reeves, Goodman, Cortes, Obras, Fey, Salahuddin, Springer, Bernbaum, Fosse, Pollet, Street, Hill, Macri, Timmons, Scott
Expands free meal program to all students in 2026-27. Reimbursement rate is the midpoint between USDA free rate and paid rate, plus an additional $0.05 per meal. Makes school breakfast programs mandatory.
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Establishing transition to kindergarten programs.
Santos, Rude, Schmidt, Wylie, Parshley, Ortiz-Self, Nance, Pollet, Tharinger
Establishes the transition to kindergarten program, clearly stating it is not part of basic ed. Funding is based on the ECEAP rate for a school day, divided by 1.091, multiplied by the regionalization factor (not the experience factor), and prorated if less than full day or less than full school year. School district must enroll in early achievers and complete level 2 and level 3 to be eligible for funding.
General Education Funding $-450,000, Levy Funding
$-110,000, New Funding +$487,000
Increasing compliance pathways for the clean buildings performance standard with alternative metrics and extensions for reporting.
HEnv & Energy
Doglio, Ramel, Berry, Ryu, Reed, Duerr, Parshley, Ormsby
HJR 4201
Amending the Constitution to allow a majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds.
Stonier, Ryu, Leavitt, Ramel, Berry, Macri, Callan, Gregerson, Goodman, Doglio, Wylie, Pollet, Fey, Ormsby, Tharinger, Hill
Allows bonds to pass with a majority vote rather than a super majority 60%.
SJR 8200
Amending the Constitution to allow 55 percent of voters voting to authorize school district bonds.
Cortes, Wellman, Dhingra, Shewmake, Riccelli, Bateman, Hasegawa, Lovelett, Conway, Orwall, Pedersen, Salomon, Saldaña, Wilson, C., Chapman, Cleveland, Frame, Krishnadasan, Liias, Nobles, Slatter, Stanford, Valdez
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