Science Department

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students exploring the beach


Olympia School District Science Vision Statement

students learning in a classroom

Our high school graduates will be scientifically literate members of our community.  They will understand science and engineering as more than a body of knowledge; it is also a process of understanding the natural world to be utilized to innovate solutions.  Our students will be active learners who have access to all science and engineering standards.  We are dedicated to inspiring the next generation of scientists.




Summary of Adopted Curriculum

The Olympia School District uses FOSS for their science curriculum to support student learning in elementary and middle school science. In addition to FOSS,  supplemental materials and experiences may be utilized to support student science learning.



Physical Science

Earth Science

Life Science


Materials and Motion Trees and Weather Animals Two by Two
 1 Sound and Light Air and Weather Plants and Animals
 2 Solids and Liquids Pebbles, Sand, and Silt Insects and Plants
 3 Motion and Matter Water and Climate Structures of Life
 4 Energy Soils, Rocks, and Landforms Environments
 5 Mixtures and Solutions Earth and Sun Living Systems


Gravity and Kinetic Energy

Chemical Interactions

Electromagnetic Force

Variables and Design

Planetary Science

Earth Science

Hereditary and Adaptations

Human Systems


Populations and Ecosystems

Diversity of Life


Next Generation Science Standards

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are science content standards for grades K-12. The standards encompass science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and core content knowledge.


Community Partnerships

The Olympia School District science department believes in developing strong community partnerships.  Some of our community partners include: South Sound GREEN, Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, the Estuarium, LOTT, Pacific Shellfish Institute, Evergreen State College, Pacific Education Institute, South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group, and many more.


These partnerships allow for field experiences, enriching hands-on experiences, classroom presentations and other avenues for students to make connections to science in our local community.


community partners


Contact Information

Carmen Kardokus is the K-12 Science Instructional Coach, she can be reached by email at [email protected]