Snow Letter

Snowy Oly


Olympia School District Snow Letter

2024-25 School Year

(Spanish, Vietnamese)


Dear OSD Families,


Every year, snow or severe conditions seem to lead to the closure or late start of our schools, and we want to keep you updated about those decisions.


Communications Protocol

The Olympia School District will inform you of school schedule changes as soon as possible through our ParentSquare communications platform (text/email), website and social media platforms. We also encourage you to monitor local radio and/or television stations for up-to-date information about weather-related closures or delays.


Please Note: When the weather in the morning is questionable but school is not impacted, we will update our district social media accounts to let everyone know that things are on time and running as scheduled. So, should you ever be unsure, always check Olympia School District social media platforms (FacebookInstagram and Twitter).


School Closure

If OSD schools close due to inclement weather, students do not report to class, regardless of whether they attend school in person or through ORLA online. OSD has a “Snow Make-Up Day” built into the calendar on May 23, 2025, to be used as a school day in the event there is a weather-related school cancellation prior to this date. Additional snow days (if needed) will be made up at the end of the 2024-25 school year.


2-hour Late Start

All schools (including ORLA online) start two hours late:


  • OSD school buses pick up students two hours late

  • No zero-hour classes or before-school activities

  • No AM preschool

  • No AM childcare

  • No Avanti High School periods 1-3 Monday-Thursday, and no AM academic support or activities on Friday

  • No out-of-district transportation

  • No district transportation to New Market Skills Center

  • Breakfast and lunch served throughout the district


3-hour Late Start

All schools (including ORLA online) start three hours late:


  • OSD school buses pick up students three hours late

  • No zero-hour classes or before-school activities

  • No AM or PM preschool (full-day preschool continues)

  • No AM childcare

  • No Avanti High School periods 1-3 Monday-Thursday, and no AM academic support or activities on Friday

  • No out-of-district transportation

  • No district transportation to New Market Skills Center

  • Breakfast and lunch served throughout the district


Snow Routes

On rare occasions, weather conditions may require the modification of school bus routes. When that occurs, the district and media outlets will announce the use of “snow routes” or “emergency routes.”



It is our hope that weather conditions do not disrupt transportation and schools. However, our most critical concern is the safety and welfare of our students.


Patrick C. Murphy, Ed.D.




Please Note: There are many factors when deciding to close or delay school. We exercise caution and overall safety for all 9,000+ district students when determining if school should be canceled or delayed. The 80-square miles covered by our district are very diverse geographically, and what one family experiences can be very different from what another family is experiencing on the other side of the district. We also understand that conditions can vary by neighborhood. On days with challenging weather, we encourage families to make the best decision for their situation. If a family brings a child late, or they are absent due to unsafe conditions in their area, we will mark it excused. Staff drive the streets in the early hours of the morning to determine the safety of all routes. We appreciate your understanding and support.


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